FIER: Communication 4 Development, Peer training

“The activity was successful in voicing youth perceptions and aspirations regarding their future. The visual language encouraged them to express theirs own thoughts in front of an audience creating an interesting knowledge exchange process”

International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)– Entrepreneuriat des jeunes Ruraux (FIER)
Ingrid Guyon (Project design, Consultancy and translation in French), Nicolo Massa – IFAD (Trainer and Facilitator, Sara Asadullah (Adviser)
Ministère de l’Emploi, de la Formation Professionnelle, de la Jeunesse et de la Construction Citoyenne- Rural Vocational Training Employment, Entrepreneurship Support Project.
Republic of Mali

“Fotosynthesis substantial experience in the field of photography and facilitation methodology allowed the development of well-structured sessions balancing theory and practice.

Nicolo Massa Bernucci

- Participatory Photography Activity in the framework of the Rural Vocational Training Employment, IFAD

In 2015, we were approached to design a tailored participatory photography(PP) training of peer local peer facilitators and a participatory photography needs assessment program in French for participants from rural Mali areas, taking into consideration cultural barriers, restricted access to electricity and technology and long term sustainability. The training was designed for local facilitators following our guidance and expertise.

IFAD’s portfolio in Mali has now been reorganized around the following two issues: (i) increasing agricultural productivity in a context of climate change; and (ii) providing rural inhabitants with appropriate financial services.

FIER project (Integration of Young People into Agricultural and Rural Value Chains) is divided into two components:( i) Develop the content of participatory photography training;( ii ) Define the tools and training materials necessary for its implementation.

The specific objectives were:

-Improving regional training mechanisms in response to the demand from young people in Mali , based on the labor market and potential job opportunities.

– The promotion of economic initiatives by rural youth in agricultural and related economic activities to enable them sustainable access to professional jobs.

Participatory photography allowed young villagers to express their reality on the opportunities and constraints for the development of AGR / SEA and share knowledge / experiences between young people and the whole village and to collect communications material on the activities of FIER project.