This project involved young people from diverse ethnic background cross-London and mums from the local Ethereld children’s centre who could access creative activity while the creche was providing them with free childcare.

“My mum says now that she trusts me more. I can come to the workshop on my own. I feel that what I am learning now will allow me to things in my own way in the future without having to ask other people all the time. I can take decisions.”


“I have found the real way of how photography and the world around us work.”


A group exhibition of photographic works by 30 participants from various project which took place between 2009 and 2011.Exploring Surroundings tries to push the limits of photography and showcases different ways of investigating the medium. Through their work, participants explore the language of photography, in studio as well as in the street, both digital and dark room, with a particular focus on alternative processes, such as camera-less cyanotype, photograms and pinhole made with recycling paper. This project is the result of a close collaboration between students and professional photographers, who encouraged them to think critically and responsibly about the images and their messages.

The project surpassed all expectations in terms of the eventual outcomes with each of the parents returning to work in some form (e.g. self-employment, part time working, volunteering) and both groups of people forming strong friendships and bonds. This is evidenced in the form of continuing involvement in the work of Fotosynthesis through volunteering for example, babysitting amongst the parents, enduring friendships and a greater knowledge and recognition of the power of the image.

12 young people receiving their Silver Arts Awards.